His marriage was going through a bad patch 他的婚姻当时麻烦不断。
Nice gestures and comments go far in a marriage, they are easy to do, and they will help insulate your marriage from being damaged by the inevitable bad days. 优美的姿态和言语在婚姻中十分奏效,这很容易做到,它们还有助于使你的婚姻免遭不可避免的坏情绪日子的侵害。
Their marriage has been going through a bad patch. 他们的婚姻正处在困难时期。
But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything-the good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things* Allofit. 但是在婚姻里,你承诺要照料一切,好事、坏事、恐怖的事、繁琐俗事,所有一切。
First of all, the author clearly defines marriage," good and bad "standard. 首先,作者明确划定了婚姻的“好坏”标准。
Marriage was bad enough, but to be widowed& oh, then life was over forever! 结婚就够倒霉的了,可是当寡妇&哦,那就一切都完了!
Surprisingly, the king's mother, cunning evil, for the marriage was very unhappy, often say bad things about the young queen. 谁知国王的母亲刁钻恶毒,对这桩婚事很是不满,常说年轻王后的坏话。
He concluded that most men were not afraid of marriage& but they were afraid of a bad marriage. 他从调查中得出结论,多数男人不是害怕婚姻,而是害怕不幸的婚姻。
Every marriage has its good years and bad years. 婚姻都是有好有坏。
Counseling couples on the virtues of marriage isn't a bad idea& as long as their participation isn't coerced in any way. 向夫妇们提供婚姻美德方面的咨询也许不失为一个好主意&如果这些夫妇自愿参加的话。
The difficulty of marriage is that we fall in love with her good points but live with her bad points. 婚姻的难处在于我们是和对方的优点谈恋爱,却和她的缺点生活在一起。
On your face, I see the pain of a marriage gone bad. 在你的脸上,我看到了一桩失败婚姻留下的痛苦。
For a businessman's view, with your marriage is a bad business decision-making, reasoning clear enough, please listen to me explain. 从生意人的角度来看,跟你结婚是一个糟糕的经营决策,道理再明白不过了,请听我解释。
The relationship between Britain and the EU looks like a marriage gone bad. 英国和欧盟(eu)的关系如同一场走向破裂的婚姻。
If Jim and Mary are quarrelling already, it looks as if their marriage gets off to a bad start. 如果吉姆和玛丽已经在吵架了的话,这看起来他们的婚姻一开头就不顺利。
Because they realized that everyone seemed to discuss about their married in secret and she was afraid that the change of their marriage was bad to him and his son. 因为他们意识到大家好像都在悄悄地议论着他们的婚姻,她害怕他们的婚变对他和儿子不利。
If you were a newlywed groom, you could annul a marriage if on your wedding night you discovered that your wife has bad breath. 如果你是新婚的新郎,你在新婚夜发现你的新娘有口臭你可以解除婚约。
The sub-health affecting factors show that the main risk factors lead to the sub-health of convalescents are not propitious promoted, family seriously ill, having impediments in marriage, bad living environment, poor sleeping, lacking physical exercise and belief. 4. 疗养员亚健康的主要影响因素:晋升不顺利、家人病重、婚姻有障碍、生活环境差、睡眠习惯和质量差、不锻炼身体、没有个人信仰等因素是构成亚健康的危险因素。
And there might be some connections to lung cancer; 6. Psychological factors: type A character, weak emotion self-control ability, disharmony marriage, bad relationship, long-term depression and mental trauma history were risk factors of lung cancer; 7. 精神心理因素:A型性格,情绪自我调节能力差,婚姻生活不和谐、人际关系较差、精神状况长期处于压抑以及近年来有精神创伤史为肺癌发生的危险因素。